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  • Fred Yancey & Mike Moran | The Nexus Group
    Mar 6, 2020
    The session is moving toward Sine Die and there’s a great deal of unknowns still to come. It’s the part of the session where bills need to be voted out of their opposite house. Some bills will make it; others will die as the clock runs down. Each chamber has lengthy lists of other bills eligible for debate and votes. Many won’t make it. There are at least four main areas yet to be dealt with, any of which will take a great deal of floor time as bills addressing these are debated. These are bills that seek to establish a low carbon fuel standard, a clean air rule, guidelines protecting data privacy and those that deal with the repeal of the Boeing tax break. Additionally, time can be consumed by virtue of debating proposed amendments attached to these or any remaining bills.
  • David Morrill
    Mar 3, 2020
    As many of you know, Governor Inslee declared a state of emergency due to the growing presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in our state. What does that mean? Should you freak out? Is this something we're all overreacting to? Great questions, but we're no doctors (although we do have a Dr. Scott Seaman). Here's what we can tell you though; listen to advice and guidance from your district and from local, state, and national health experts. Aside from that, our best piece of advice is to make sure you are communicating frequently and clearly with your students, staff, and community.

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