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  • Mickey Venn Lahmann and Joanna Briese, Members of Thurston Gun Sense and Alliance for Gun Responsibility
    Sep 9, 2024
    School leaders are uniquely positioned to help educate parents about firearms, particularly safe storage. Securing firearms is a sensible way to prevent curious kids from handling firearms, preventing accidents and suicides. While most gun owners responsibly lock up their guns, increasing awareness through you, your parent organization, and your school district will help build stronger, safer communities. In advance of October School Safety Month, we want to bring some resources to your attention as you consider increasing awareness about gun safety.
  • Ashley Barker, Inclusion Director, AWSP
    Jan 23, 2023
    This week, we would like to spotlight Hazen High School in Renton, WA. Principal Ashley Landes created this auto-reply email in collaboration with her counseling team and shared it with her staff at their meeting before the break to help staff understand the additional community resources to support students while school wasn’t in session. Knowing that their students had access to support beyond school allowed many staff to disengage from email and enjoy their time off.  At Hazen, this auto-reply was added to staff email over the holiday; however, a similar message could be used after school hours and on weekends to ensure access to available resources. Thank you, Team Hazen, for this great idea and powerful inclusionary practice, which allows students with diverse needs to access community resources.  This template was adapted from their resource list so our members can add their local resources.
  • Caroline Brumfield, Graphic Design & Communications Specialist, AWSP
    Dec 11, 2020
    Each year, the staff at AWSP signs up to sponsor two or three families for the holidays through the Tumwater Lions Club. it's a tradition we look forward to annually as each year draws to a close. We started our staff tradition about 10 years ago. It used to be that we bought gifts for each other. We'd draw names for a secret Santa exchange, then purchase a surprise gift for the person whose name we chose based on their list of hobbies and interests. While the internal gift exchange was fun, we all agreed that none of us actually needed those gifts, and that the money would be better used shopping for families in need.
  • Scott Seaman
    Apr 16, 2020
    Principaling has always been difficult, but now the role building leaders play in our system has grown exponentially, even though they are not leading a physical building. Principals sit in the middle of policy (state and district) and practice (what happens in the classroom) and are expected to answer to both sides of the sandwich. If being in the middle was a challenge before, what's it feel like to be a digital principal in the sandwich now?
  • Xenia Doualle
    Feb 28, 2020
    After noticing an increase in discipline between Thanksgiving and holiday break, Omak High School principal David Kirk reached out to the community to open a space for any school-aged child to have access food, friends and fun, and created the 3F club.

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