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  • Mrs. Allison Shew, Principal, Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
    Apr 15, 2020
    The weekend leading up to the closure, all of our schools in the district were buzzing with teachers feverishly putting together work packs for students. Copy machines were running at full steam and teachers were bundling materials to keep learning alive amidst a Governor Proclamation that all schools in the state were to be closed by March 17th, 2020. Everyone has gone above and beyond to implement this new normal. Principals and district office staff have converted space in their home as their new office and teachers have transformed a space in their home as their new classroom.
  • Roz Thompson
    Apr 10, 2020
    We recently reached out to our contacts at online schools including Washington Virtual Academies and K12, Inc. They know that teaching students in an online environment presents challenges and are graciously sharing lots of resources with us.

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