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  • Kurt Hatch | Associate Director, AWSP
    Jan 27, 2021
    As the pandemic continues pressure-testing the system, many people are expressing concern about the possibility of a “lost generation”. The notion of learning loss has gained traction as a problem to be solved via new policies, procedures, and practices. Research firms are publishing reports citing precise calculations of learning loss. It’s become a central educational feature of the pandemic.
  • Allison Shew, Eatonville SD
    Sep 24, 2020
    Eatonville School District students and teachers were met with multiple challenges on the first day of digital instruction as we launched a new school year in a Distance Learning model. Multiple power outages were noted district-wide due to strong winds, powerful fires created unhealthy smoke, and technology issues raged on. In spite of the variety of challenges, all Eatonville School District students, staff, and parents persevered and overcame these issues.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Jun 5, 2020
    I’ve been “out of the building” now as a recovering high school principal for about seven years. My trips to the grocery store are still filled with high fives and hellos from kids and families. As a principal, I always prioritized relationships above all else, and the evidence of that can be found in any aisle of the grocery store to this day. There is no way those relationships would have happened with sixteen little video squares on a computer screen
  • Dr. Scott Seaman
    May 21, 2020
    If you think principaling was tough before COVID19, what about now? If we kill the will of our principals by not addressing the workload, stress and increasing demands, then our kids and schools will suffer the consequences through a constant turnover of school leaders. LPI's research highlights the obvious, principals are fighting to survive. But their research also recommends some action we can all take to breathe hope into the system for one of our most precious resources - principals and assistant principals.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman
    May 4, 2020
    As I look to the future of our education system, I challenge all the thought leaders, policy makers, and educational leaders to think differently as we redesign our new approach to serving kids. Whether we are still operating under a distance learning model, blended model, or back to some version of brick and mortar, can we prioritize relationships above all else? Can we build everything around creating time for students and adults to find, build, and sustain meaningful relationships that create hope for everyone involved?

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