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  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Nov 14, 2022
    Did I get your attention with my last blog, “Let’s Rethink Improving Instruction?” I hope so. It has conjured up a wide array of emotions, but most importantly, it stirred long-overdue discussions about a system that needs to be addressed. What system? The working conditions of our principals and assistant principals. For starters, let me be clear. I believe in the power of improving instruction. I believe our system improved 12 years ago with the statewide implementation of TPEP. I believe teachers and principals have journeyed through powerful conversations to improve student outcomes. I believe that leaders across the state have worked diligently to create systems to support improving instruction and cycles of feedback.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Oct 24, 2022
    Let me just start by saying something super unpopular but true. TPEP is draining principals rather than supporting teachers. There I said it. How do I know? I talk to principals and teachers.  Am I saying good teaching isn’t happening? No. There are wonderful and magical things happening in classrooms throughout the state. Schools are filled with hope, positive energy, enthusiasm, and incredible relationships in every region of our state. Let me clarify: TPEP, in its current, well-intended form, is not working as originally designed. We are not improving instruction as the system was designed or as we all hoped.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman
    Apr 28, 2020
    One unforeseen consequence of a statewide closure has been the massive forced push for all of us to engage in the virtual meeting space. We might have dabbled before in Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Teams, but now we are all exceeding standard. AWSP is offering weekly Office Hours for members to engage with with the AWSP Executive Team and K-12 principals from all over the state. This is a wide open session of give and take, but more importantly, to hear our members (principals, assistant principals and other school leaders) share challenges, successes, and barriers they are facing as newly assigned digital leaders. It is so incredible to watch these natural and organic conversations take off each week that I find myself thinking, "Why didn't we do this sooner?"
  • Scott Seaman
    Apr 16, 2020
    Principaling has always been difficult, but now the role building leaders play in our system has grown exponentially, even though they are not leading a physical building. Principals sit in the middle of policy (state and district) and practice (what happens in the classroom) and are expected to answer to both sides of the sandwich. If being in the middle was a challenge before, what's it feel like to be a digital principal in the sandwich now?
  • Dan Moran
    Feb 15, 2015
    Way to go, Bethel! So inspiring to hear a principal (along with teachers and central office leaders) remind us of the power of vertical alignment, powerful instruction, and communication and collaboration with families in leading to positive outcomes for students. It’s so refreshing to hear their honest acknowledgement of the challenges at first – for everyone, including students. Yet, students today are being touted as “engineers” who are “farther ahead” than they have previously been in their mathematics learning. It’s noted that, “kids love the challenge,” and are willing to tackle work they may not know how to take on at the outset. Now that’s a skill that will help them be college and career ready!

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