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  • Sean Norton
    Nov 3, 2014
    Q. Is it alright to have a fund raiser and have multiple grades participate and divide the funds among the different grade level of students that put in a certain number of hours?
  • Sean Norton
    Oct 7, 2014
    Q. If the members of an ASB club wanted to participate in a fundraiser to help pay for individual costs (say the club is going on a field trip), could the club then turn around and allocate those raised funds for the participants of the fundraiser? For example, Student A raises $100, that $100 goes into the club’s ASB account, can the club then approve for that $100 to be allocated to help Student A offset the cost of the field trip that Student A wants to attend?
  • Dan Moran
    Sep 16, 2014
    Q. Does every high school need to have an ASB?
  • Dan Moran
    Sep 2, 2014
    Q. I would like to know if it would be appropriate to have a booster club with officers comprised of coaches or coaches’ wives. I have been in this district for eight years and we cannot count on the community to assist due to many issues. Would we be in violation if coaches and their wives were in charge of the booster club?

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