Aug 10, 2021, 16:24 PM
David Morrill
Each year, AWSP’s Advocacy Advisory Council has the opportunity to select a state-level public servant who has demonstrated support of principals and the principalship in the education of all students. For 2021, the Council selected Senator Sam Hunt as AWSP’s 2021 Torch of Leadership Award winner. Senator Hunt is a Democrat representing the 22nd legislative district, which includes Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, and the surrounding areas.
Longtime education supporter helps fund Outdoor School for All

Senator Sam HuntEach year, AWSP’s Advocacy Advisory Council has the opportunity to select a state-level public servant who has demonstrated support of principals and the principalship in the education of all students. For 2021, the Council selected Senator Sam
Hunt as AWSP’s 2021 Torch of Leadership Award winner. Senator Hunt is a Democrat representing the 22nd legislative district, which includes Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, and the surrounding areas.
Senator Hunt is a fantastic champion of students and educators. His 2021 budget proviso resulted in $10 million for Outdoor School for All. The Washington School Principal’s Education Foundation is managing these funds. Starting this fall, districts
can use them to help pay for fifth or sixth graders to attend outdoor residential camps across Washington.
“Senator Hunt is a great champion for education because of his personal experiences as an educator,” said AWSP Government Relations and Advocacy Director Roz Thompson. “He cares very much about students and educators. His work to
make outdoor residential school available to each and every fifth- or sixth-grader in Washington is just one of the reasons he’s our Torch of Leadership recipient this year.”
As a member of the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee, Senator Hunt also sponsored and supported many other education bills, as well as bills related to retirement benefits, voting rights, and elections.
A graduate of Washington State University, Senator Hunt was a schoolteacher in Montesano and Pasco (where he also served as a city council member and mayor pro tempore). He worked for the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and the Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction, served as staff director for the Washington Senate Majority Leader, was education advisor to Governor Booth Gardner, and served as legislative director at the Department of Information Services. He is a former member of the
North Thurston Public Schools board of directors.
Download the press release as a PDF.