AWSP News for May 21, 2021

May 21, 2021, 08:42 AM by Xenia Doualle
In this this special edition of AWSP News, we discuss our role in the Inclusionary Practices Project, common language on what inclusion looks, feels, and acts like within a school context, the difference between inclusion, exclusion, integration, and segregation, what we learned along the way, and some incredible content, tool boxes, webinars, podcasts and more for school leaders and school teams to learn from and implement in their buildings.

In this this special edition of AWSP News, we discuss:

  • our role in the Inclusionary Practices Project,
  • common language on what inclusion looks, feels, and acts like within a school context,
  • the difference between inclusion, exclusion, integration, and segregation,
  • what we learned along the way,
  • and some incredible content, tool boxes, webinars, podcasts and more for school leaders and school teams to learn from and implement in their buildings.

Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.