AWSP News for March 21, 2018
Mar 28, 2018, 09:52 AM
David Morrill
In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss the student walkouts and empowering student voice, the Washington State Mental Health Summit, a great way to show staff appreciation shared with us by Jostens, the recent David Brooks Op-Ed in the New York Times about the integral role of the principal in strong schools, a meeting with Washington Roundtable and Challenge Seattle,
the importance of a professional learning network (PLN), and
one principal’s equity journey as a result of a strong PLN.
In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss:
- the student walkouts and empowering student voice,
- the Washington State Mental Health Summit,
- a great way to show staff appreciation shared with us by Jostens,
- the recent David Brooks Op-Ed in the New York Times about the integral role of the principal in strong schools,
- a meeting with Washington Roundtable and Challenge Seattle,
- the importance of a professional learning network (PLN), and
- one principal’s equity journey as a result of a strong PLN.
Prefer to read the news? Read the script.